Friday, February 17, 2006

Constitutional Moment?

Last week in class I reported Sen Pat Roberts (R-KS) was interested in defusing the NSA wiretapping: "pass a law to allow it," I claimed he had said. Only I couldn't find an internet link. Embarrassing moments in class, #2,432.

There has been more movement on this front; although Roberts' name does not appear until the fifth paragraph, he is working closely with the White House in this.

Spying Inquiry Blocked by GOP
# The Senate intelligence chair buys time, saying the White House is open to legislation on Bush's surveillance program. Many are doubtful.

By Greg Miller and Maura Reynolds, Times Staff Writers

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans blocked a proposed investigation of President Bush's domestic spying operation Thursday as the chairman of the Intelligence Committee said he had reached an agreement with the White House to pursue legislation establishing clearer rules for the controversial program.

But Senate aides described the discussions with the White House as very preliminary. And angry Democrats expressed skepticism over the negotiations, with some describing them as a ploy to protect the Bush administration and the highly classified surveillance operation from congressional scrutiny.

And Rep Heather Wilson (R-NM) has indicated a willingness to hold hearings too. Whether the hearings will be about the program, or the need to fix the law will matter for comfort of Bush Administration.


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